Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Work Boots and Cross-Hatching (Take 2)

this is the second time i'm writing today's post.
because my computer refreshed,
and completely erased everything i had written already. 

mmmmaaaaaannnnnn........... (-_-)

take 2. 

as you all know, (hah, the few of you who've might have glanced)
lately i've been feeling 
a bit more
on the 
panicky side.
which for me,
isn't a regular happening. 
i am 
i get really tired and bored of being sad.
it's totally fine to feel depressed for a while,
it gives you time to really think. 
but i do believe in telling people that that's how you are feeling.
because thoughts are easily twisted when it's only you debating with yourself.
getting others opinions really influences your span of sadness.
at least for me it does.
i've come to terms with the fact that
is the main and only problem that is 
causing my emotional imbalance. 
school has always been a 
and easy thing. 
i love seeing my friends
and being at CAPA 
really helps. 
visual arts is the main reason that i can keep trying harder in academics. 
but sometimes, 
i feel like its just out to get me,
and show me that i'm not doing enough.

teachers think i'm a bad kid,
which i can't do anything about.
when i get migraines,
i never take the full day off,
instead i suck it up,
and make an effort,
to come in for a half day.
but most teachers,
don't recognize that as my effort to be there,
rather they think that 
i purposely skipped their class.
like i said.
i'm not a bad kid.
as cliche as it gets,

don't you (readers are most likely teenagers)
hate being misunderstood by adults?
it's something that drives me mad.

but i want to be happy 
like i always am.
i love to be happy.
and i'm too confident to let anything like 
some adult, (now i really sound like an angsty teenager)
bring me down. 
because with my own strength,
i'll bring myself back into that light. 

just so that you know,
i love seeing that even just a few of you have read my blog. 
it really gives me a boost.
especially seeing that
is even following it. 
so thank you. 
to those who took the time to even give a shit. 

p.s i'd love to see a few comments, or followers! 

Picture of the Day

so this was my doodle for today. practicing cross-hatching for the pens. not finished yet. do not fret, it will be finished and updated soon!

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