Monday, October 31, 2011

Wastebaskets & Physics Homework

it's halloween everyone!
happy halloween!

so another migraine today.
hopefully no rebounds 

so my sister and i 
have always wanted to live
together when we get older.
being architect's daughters 
we have always loved the art
of homes and interior design.
so this weekend,
we had gone to barnesnnobles 
and we looked through many books on home styles.
i've made a basic blue print as to
how i want it to look and be oriented.
i love provencal living.
houses that look very european have always stuck out to me.
blue shuddered windows,
double doors,
green vines climbing up the sides,
blah blah blah.
so i've designed a building,
where it's literally just two houses,
connected by one room,
the kitchen.
so kira and i can always be near each other,
and at the same time live separately to
prepare for (maybe) families.
i've always imagined kira to be the first to get married.
i just want to be work devoted and a good aunt.
like one of those great aunts
who brings back awesome toys 
and is really cool.
when i grow up,
i want to own two big dogs,
and of course others, 
but i can just see myself with
an irish setter and 
a siberian husky (the blonde and blue eyed ones)
as far as blueprints go,
my dad (the architect aka bob russ)
is going to sit down with us soon
and make official designs.
so excited.
and i want 
to have a nice backyard filled with lavender.
it'll be beauteous!
i want big windows too.
because i think nicely lighted houses 
are extremely divine. 
and i've always imagined
that i would have people over a lot.
friends are always fun.
so yeah, 
there's my future.
kira's going to become an engineer
and i will be an english teacher/andor/columnist.
at least one of us will be mostly successful.

ps. if i'm ever getting married, it'll be to either a british or australian or french man. no exceptions :P. 
ps. that's not real. 
ps. it actually is.
ps. it's up to you to decide. 

Picture of the Day

this is what i mean!
blonde and blue eyed,
well not in this picture,
siberian husky.
it will be mine. 

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